- Lip Balm
- Chip Clips
- Keychain Tools
- Calendars
- First Aide kits
- Sport Bottles
- Cell Phone Wallet
- Drawstring Sport Pack
- Reusable Grocery Bags
- Cell Phone Fan
Swag is a slang word used to describe free promotional giveaways labeled with your company branding message. It encourages attendees to visit your companies trade show booth. In 2023, much has changed. People are trying to put the past of COVID behind them. Healthcare products are still valued but other useful items are coming into play. For companies looking for the most popular items to get their products and branding message ahead of the game, you’d better make sure you have the coolest Swag items for 2023. After much research, here are some of the best choices for 2023.
1. Lip Balm
Lip balm is one of the most popular and bestselling products, and we’re not surprised. This item comes in several delicious flavors that are good enough to eat! (but I wouldn’t recommend that). With a low production cost, you will get great value and the perfect way for this swag item to promote your company.
2. Chip Clips

Another popular promotional product, with good value and reviews, is the chip clip. This useful item comes in a variety of sizes and colors and its price points are cheap. Some of them have magnets so you can clip a message onto your refrigerator. Customers and potential clients won’t forget you when your logo is clipped to their favorite snacks!
3. Keychain Tools (tap measure, can opener, knife, light)

Keychains can do a whole lot more than organize your keys. Keychain tools are becoming very popular. The whole idea behind these items, is that they are useful and will lead to people viewing your brand more.
4. Calendars
Small magnetic and sticker calendars have moved into the bestselling category. Why not promote yourself 12 months of the year? I remember our printer passing out calendars every year. I hung it in my office and would see their logo every day.
5. First Aid kits

Precautions around health and safety are still very relevant and are not going away anytime soon. This wellness giveaway will help your business prospects associate you with good health and thoughtfulness..
6. Sport Bottles

Hydration is very important for keeping good health on track. Trade show attendees will appreciate having refillable sports bottles as they stroll through the trade show. Plus, every time they take a sip, they’ll see your logo!
7. Cell Phone Wallet

The struggle is real when it comes to carrying around your phone and wallet on a busy day. If you wear pants without pockets or don’t have a bag, it can be tough to know what to do with these must-have items. Cell phone wallets are perfect bulk promotional items to give out because of their low cost. Tech- themed items are always a big hit, and will sure to be picked up for your brand to get noticed. They also come in a wide variety of colors, patterns, and styles.
8. Drawstring Sport Pack

In the past couple of years, drawstring bags have become a trendy item because of their versatility and accessibility. For one, they are an easy and convenient way to carry gear to and from the gym. Custom drawstring bags give your name and logo outstanding exposure at little cost. Trade show attendees will gather at your booth first.
9. Reusable Grocery bags

Due to the ban on plastic bags, because of environmental concerns, many consumers bring their own reusable bags to shop. Two out of five Americans have switched to reusable bags. With that number of people using their own bags, it is a great way to promote your company.
10. Cell Phone Fan

One of the most unique items this year, is the cell phone fan. Although not as cheap as some of the other items, it still comes in at under four dollars. Higher quality items stay with consumers longer and they are less likely to throw away something cool and re-usable. The attraction of the breeze fan is that it is unique and not only will your attendees look cool, but feel cool too! This creative giveaway will make your brand stand out in the crowd. A great way to attract attention to your booth with more expensive swag is to raffle it off every hour, or at a certain time of the day. Have attendees drop business cards into a bowl, for a chance to win. Not only will you attract people, but you will have their contact information as well!
If you need additional information, please contact us. With many years of experience, KatArt Visuals can help you choose the best “Swag” that suits your needs.