Costco & BJ Road Shows – 8 Tips for a Successful Display

Let’s face it, You only have one shot at landing and maintaining a valued Costco account; Whether your product is already sold in Costco or not, a Road Show is an invaluable sales and marketing opportunity to reach 16,000 to 18,000 in a given weekend—at each warehouse!

With this opportunity you want to look your best, and know what kind of display factors can increase your success. You have rolled out a lot of expense in developing your product and you don’t want to cut yourself short when it comes to displaying your product in the most appealing fashion.

Creating a captivating Costco/BJ’s booth requires a combination of innovation and common sense. Below are some ways to attract curious but apprehensive customers to your products. Remember Costco’s business model is selling quality products; so make sure your booth looks like quality.

Here’s some display booth tips:

  1. Long Range Graphics and Height: Long-range graphics can be viewed and read from at least 100 feet or farther. Long Range Graphics should be positioned at the top of your display or displayed at the maximum height allowed by store management. A 10 x 10 Free standing customized canopy is great for displaying your brand high enough for consumers to view. Another way to display long range graphics, but a bit more costly, is to use a truss trade show system. They are more sleek, high quality and appealing than a canopy. 
  2. Backdrop: A backdrop is essential to close off your space from other products in the store and isolate your brand. There are many options to choose for backdrops. You can go the traditional route with grommet banners. However, sometimes these are very cumbersome and hard to set up, needing additional hardware and framing, and may look bad if hung incorrectly. Retractable Roll -up banners or pop up displays are a better route. They are lightweight, compact, easy to transport, and simple to set-up and take down with no additional tools or man power. 
  3. Color: Color can make your display stand out and determine the mood of your space. Its best to have a professional designer help you with the choices you make based on your products and target market audience. Be careful to have a unified color theme. Colors have a powerful ability to effect emotion and mood. For example Restaurants use reds, yellows and orange colors that have a stimulating effect, while hospitals use blue and greenish colors that have a calming effect.
  4. Tables: Your product will determine what type of table you need, such as, how high, long or the tables shape. Tables or counters are great for product placement, demonstrations, samples or just taking orders. Custom table covers, with printed logo branding is a must. Custom table covers come in a variety of sizes, shapes and materials. Make sure your table cover is ironed before your event or wrinkle resistant. Make sure your logo stands out on the table cover. I see many logos too small to read at 10 ft away. Look at a graphic readability chart for size and distance, to determine how big to make your logo. 
  5. Product Placement: Make sure your product is placed high enough for visibility and also accessible for consumers to pick it up and carry it away.
  6. Hand Outs, Swag, and Table Graphics: Hand outs, table graphics and swag items are a great way to promote your product and brand further. Coupons, printed promotions, brochures, tabletop easel-back signs, and swag items, will make your product gain brand recognition and appeal. Foam core easel backs and table tents outline product features and benefits.
  7. Lighting: Use lighting to showcase and enhance your products. A backlit display is great for grabbing attention and making your brand look the best it can be. Hang professional lighting on your canopy or truss systems. Usually truss systems come with some kind of lighting options. 
  8. Promotional Signage: You might want to put a floor sign somewhere in Costco/Bj’s to advertise that you are having an event. This heightens consumer awareness and cognitive brand recognition. Psychology has a big impact for consumer buying. What about lawn signs placed outside or near the store? Usually, whenever I drive by Costco and see a lawn sign that Aidells sausage is having a special event, I will stop in to buy it, since I know it is not sold there on a regular basis.

Katart Visuals has a large selection of special event display materials suited for your needs. We have figured out many standard sizes and materials to make your decision easy. We specialize in these items, great for Costco/Bj’s events:

Article written by Michael Gugliotto


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